Monday, August 29, 2016

Research Center for Educational Innovation and Development

The university was established with the following objectives:

CERID has been working for the advancement and improvement of training since its foundation in 1975 concentrating on the requirement for accomplishing scholarly perfection in the instruction arrangement of Nepal. It assumes a dynamic part to streamline the endeavors in updating the nature of training under the scholarly environment of Tribhuvan University. In accordance with this current, CERID's exercises are coordinated towards undertaking arrangement research, instructive development, and issue based study, need based preparing, and discourse on copying instructive issues. In addition, CERID has committed itself to steering imaginative thoughts that bear on national instruction concerns and dispersing research results.


CERID is a main instructive exploration foundation for improving nature of training in Nepal.


The principle objective of the middle is to advance society of exploration and developments to connection instruction with improvement and change.


The destinations of CERID are:

To produce research based information through investigation, development and activity research in different basic parts of school and advanced education.

To complete examination exercises concentrated on connecting training to advancement

To encourage training arrangement definition, arranging and usage

To compose preparing programs, issues based exchange sessions, and expert advancement exercises

To scatter and share encounters and data by sorting out classes/workshops and by distributed occasional diaries and exploration reports

Research Area

The accompanying are the exploration regions of the CERID

School and advanced education approach, arranging and execution

Educational programs, course materials, instructional strategies and medium

Instructive association, administration, organization, checking and assessment

Instructive human asset advancement

Institutional Network

CERID is a systems administration individual from the accompanying organizations:

Asian Network of Training and Research Institutions in Educational Planning (ANTRIEP)

Worldwide Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), Paris


Human asset limit of CERID is as per the following:

Educators (counting the Executive Director) – 4 Partner Professors – 4 Instructors – 3

Showing Assistant – 1 Authoritative, backing and utility staff – 19 Research Management

CERID has overseen distinctive asset focuses (RCs) and examination administration units to embrace

research, development, preparing and usage. These include:

Non-Formal instruction Resource Center (NFERC)

Early Childhood Development Resource Center (ECDRC)

Multilingual Education Resource Center (MLERC)

Research Management Cell (RMC)

Instructive Management Information System (EMIS)


The middle distributes taking after Journals and News Letters routinely.

Diary of Education and advancement (in English) Annually

Bikasko Nimti Shiksha (in Nepali) Annually

Diary of Early Childhood Development (in English) Annually

Kopila NEWSLETTER (in Nepali) not customary

MLE NEWSLETTER (in English) not customary

CERID NEWSLETTER (in English) Half yearly

Research Activities

CERID has completed noteworthy examination ventures and inventive exercises with the backing of different national and universal associations since its foundation and has added to the advancement of training in Nepal. It has additionally added to the development of proficiency rate however formal and non-formal instruction by leading number of activity scrutinizes in the field of essential and essential training, nature of instruction, first language instruction and life abilities for young ladies and minimized gatherings. Presently, CERID has offered significance to explores identified with advanced education. In 2013 and 2014, CERID has finished the accompanying exploration ventures.

S.N. Research Project     Financial Support     Work Completed

1     Updating the Inventory of Non-Normanl Education Providers in Nepal     Non Formal Education Center, Sanothimi     2013

2     Effectiveness of BBA and BIM Program     Faculty of Management, TU     2013

3     Improving Students' Learning of English Teachers' expert advancement through Action Research     UGC/Nepal, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur     2013

4     Promoting Gender Equality and Security in School     Plan Nepal, Sanepa     2014

5     Effectiveness of Engineering Education Program Implementation     Institute of Engineering, TU,     2014

6     School Sector Reform Plan : Longitudinal Study on System Indicators     Department of Education/MoE, Sanothimi     2014

7     Verification of Incentive Linked Indicators on Students Database     Department of Education/MoE, Sanothimi     2014

8     Promoting Quality Learning through Enhanced Multigrade Teaching in the Asia-Pacific Region     UNESCO     2014

There are two continuous venture in 2015: one is 'Tending to Educational Issues of Muslim to Include them into Mainstream of National Development' in a joint effort with Ehsan Education Counseling, Maharajgunj and the other is a 'Mid Term Evaluation of Empowering Conflict Affected Women and Girls (CAW&Gs) through useful proficiency and job aptitudes' as a team with Non-Formal Education Center, Sanothimi.
The university was established with the following objectives:

CERID is resolved to include itself in the advancement of instruction by leading exploration on different relevant issues and undertaking developments and preparing projects to meet the changing needs of the nation. CERID has built up an activity arrangement for fleeting and long haul in its five years key arrangement. CERID has been filling in according to the arrangements set under vital arrangement and this arrangement is in reality tuned in to the more extensive casing of the five years vital arrangement of Tribhuvan

College. CERID is on the way to restore its transcendence in light of exploration society.

Right now, it is unequivocally enunciated that CERID ought to try to keep up its recorded part and commitment in encouraging the administrations' endeavors in fortifying the national instruction framework. It ought to be instrumental in making a situation for guaranteeing access to new and indigenous information and improving ways to deal with exploration construct exercises in light of the street to connection training to improvement and change.

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