Monday, August 29, 2016

Community for Nepal and Asian Studies

The university was established with the following objectives:

 CANS, initially settled as the Institute of Nepal Studies in 1969, was renamed as the Institute of Nepal and Asian Studies in 1972 with both instructing and research exercises duty. In 1977, the establishment was changed over into an exploration focus and was named as the Center for Nepal and Asian Studies (CANS). CANS is a statutory exploration focus under Tribhuvan University for directing free research and consultation on issues and studies in sociologies. The principle substantive movement at the middle is completed by the exploration wings called Faculty while the authoritative and documentation focus gives bolster administrations. CNAS is a multidisciplinary research focus with a group of 16 full-time analysts.


The targets of the middle are as per the following:

To examine political, social, financial, philanthropic and different difficulties of national combination from various disciplinary points of view

To advance and embrace concentrates on current improvement issues, ethnic diversities, sex,

movement, sociolinguistic and social investigations of Nepal and other Asian nations

To empower and keep up global scholastic trade, alliance and coordination of examination exercises of Nepali and remote researchers

To sort out national and global workshops, gatherings and disperse its exploration works in different productions

Research Priority

The accompanying are the need zones of the middle's examination:

Concentrate on and survey the social reaction to advancement projects and its suggestions regarding different strategy alternatives

Look at confined Nepali social orders to touch base at more full gratefulness and comprehension of customary societies that add to national personality

Struggle thinks about, security of little states, governmental issues, improvement and between state relations in South Asia

Region concentrates, especially political financial and vital improvements in the Asian locale


As of now CNAS has the accompanying scholastic authoritative labor:

Scholastic Staff:

Position     Discipline     Nos.nTeacher     Political Science     3 Teacher     Nep. History, Culture and Archeology     1  Peruser     Sociology     1 Peruser     History     4  Peruser     Linguistics    
1 Peruser     Anthropology     1 Peruser     Political Science     1 Teacher     Political Science     1

Teacher     History     1 Teacher     Economics     1 Teacher     Nepali     1

Managerial Staff:           Position     Nos.

Delegate Administrator     2 Delegate Account Controller     1 Library Officer     1

Specialized Officer (Computer)     1 Segment Officer     2       Boss Office Assistant     3

Logistic Staff     13       Current Activities

Expert's of Arts in Social Work (MSW) program

The Center and Dean's office of Humanities and Social Sciences has consented to run MSW Program at CHAS since 2013. Behind the consent to set up the system at CNAS, there are two points. Initially, since it is a Master's system, TU was intrigued to run this project inside the limit of University Campus, Kirtipur. Despite the fact that MSW program does not have a Central Department as of now, the future arrangement is to create it as a Central Department of TU. Second, CNAS holds generally rich material base to run classes promptly and to give an astounding scholarly

environment, for instance, by giving open door for production in CNAS Journal, Contributions to Nepalese Studies, which is a standout amongst the most circled Nepali scholastic diaries over the world since 1973.


Outside researchers associated with the Center are doing their examination chip away at different field and subjects relating to Nepal. They include:

National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), UPR 299 Environment, Society and Culture in the Himalayas, France

Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University,

Organization of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University,

The School for worldwide preparing, Vermount, USA

Nityananda Institute, Oregon, USA

Community for International trade and Cooperation, Andong National University, South

Distributions and Research Activities

In this way, CNAS has delivered more than 300 distributions generously adding to the learning and comprehension of Nepali society, society, history, phonetics, contemporary legislative issues and Asian studies.
The university was established with the following objectives:

Its half-yearly multi-disciplinary diary, Contributions to Nepalese Studies, has been distributed articles (both in English and Nepali) since 1973 and has remained the absolute most essential diary of Nepalese Studies inside Nepal and abroad. The most recent issue distributed in 2014 is Vol.40, No. 2.

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