Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Faculty of Education

The university was established with the following objectives:

Faculty of Education (FoE) is the leading institution in the field of teacher education in the country. FoE started as College of Education in 1956 before the establishment of TU in 1959. It is the largest faculty of Tribhuvan University in terms of the number of students and the affiliated campuses. With 26 constituent campuses and 590 affiliated colleges throughout the country, it has the biggest network of teacher  education. The main  goal  of FoE  is to  produce  trained  school  teachers  and  teacher

educators. It also produces educational planners and managers, educational researchers, curriculum designers and all sorts of human resources needed for the educational sectors of the country through its different programmes.

The Ph.D programme in education was initiated in 1996 with a view to preparing high level academic and researchers in the field of education. Twenty-six Ph.D scholars have successfully completed dissertation and Ph.D degree has been

conferred on them by  the  university.  Currently 48 Ph.D candidates are doing their Ph.D research works in different fields of study such as English, Nepali, Health, Mathematics, science education, curriculum, educational planning, special needs, and so on.  Master  of  Philosophy  programme in Education with specialization in Curriculum Studies, Development Studies and Leadership Studies has been running since 2006. Only 96 students have completed all requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy so far.

FoE also plans, develops and implements new courses and programmes by mobilizing its internal financial resources as well as by working with national and international collaborations. The courses of M.Ed. first, second and third semester  have  been  developed,  disseminated and implemented in the Central Department of Education, Kirtipur. Master of Teacher Education (M.T.Ed.) through open and distance learning (ODL) mode, M.Ed. in Biology, Physics  and ICT Education are new programmes of  the faculty.

M.T.Ed. is being supported by the National Centre for Educational Development (NCED), and JAMK University of Applied Science and HAMK University of Applied Science. Self-learning materials  (SLMs)  required  for  implementing the programme through ODL mode have been prepared. M.T.Ed. programme in Nepali, Health Education, and Curriculum and Evaluation have been implemented in 6 campuses from the 5 developmental zones, viz Dadeldhura Education Campus, Surkhet Education Campus, Butwal Multiple Campus, Gorkha Multiple Campus, Sanothimi Campus and Surya Narayan Satya Narayan Morvoita Multiple Campus, Siraha. M.Ed. programmes are offered in Biology Education in Gorkha and Sanothimi Campus, and in Physics Education in Mahendra Ratna Campus for last two years; M.Ed. in ICT Ed. in Sanothimi Campus since 2014 and in the Central Department of Education, Kirtipur from this year are running with the financial support of the Second Higher Education Project.

Likewise, M.Ed. in Special Needs Education is a recently introduced programme in the Central Department of Education in collaboration with Changwon National University, South Korea. Teacher Preparation Course (TPC) is also new non-degree programme. It is one-year training programme which is specially designed for those working teachers and fresh candidates with educational qualification of grade 12 or equivalent degree.

Currently FoE has planned to implement 4 Year B.Ed. programme in the annual system and 9 Semester   B.Ed.   programme   in   the   semester

system from the coming academic session. Four Year B.Ed. Programme includes communication skills of 200 marks, educational core areas of 300 marks, specialization in the major subject of 1000 marks, minor subject of 500 marks and teaching internship/practicum of 100 marks. Semester- based B.Ed. programme will be of 138 credit hours and includes communication skills of 12 credit hours, educational core areas of 24 credit hours, specialization major subject of 60 credit hours, minor subject of 30 credit hours and teaching internship/practicum of 9 credit hours. FoE has planned to introduce the semester-based B.Ed. programme in ICT Education, Social Studies and Special Needs Education in the near future. In order to enhance the quality of Ph.D programme, FoE is preparing to implement coursework-based Ph.D programme soon in collaboration with Danish Universities under Building Stronger University (BSU) project.

ICT awareness training (100 hours) for the teaching and non-teaching faculty members was conducted in different campuses; refresher training for some teaching and non-teaching faculty members was also conducted. FoE provides grants to purchase computers and to establish ICT labs so that campuses can run ICT training for its teaching and non-teaching staff.

In order to ensure effective teaching in the affiliated as well as constituent campuses, the Dean’s Office made a monitoring visit to the affiliated campuses of different districts. Similarly, monitoring visit was made to the Prithwi Narayan Campus, Pokhara to make teaching practice programme effective. In order to enhance the quality of teaching practice and improve the competence of teaching practice supervisors for different disciplines, FoE has already organized several workshops in different parts of the country.

 Programmes of FoE

FoE offers the following academic as well as professional programmes:

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
Three-Year Ed
One-Year Ed.
Teacher Preparation Course (TPC)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FoHSS) aims at producing specialized human resources in the area of humanities, social science, and computer applications. In terms of subjects offered and the number of faculty it is the largest faculties. There are 30 constituent campuses along with more than 300 affiliated colleges under this faculty. FoHSS provides affiliation based on the following categories:

New Affiliations from the
Programme (Subjects) extensions to already affiliated campuses/colleges
The university was established with the following objectives:

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