Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The University Campus


The University Campus (UC) is located at Kirtipur and there are 32 Central Departments belonging to Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education (FoE), Faculty of  Management (FoM) , and Institute of Science and Technology (IoST).   The FoE has   one Central Department of Education (CDoE) and 13 subject specific departments. Likewise the FoM, has 1 Department, the FoHSS has  18  Departments , and    IoST, has

12 Departments in the premises of the University Campus. The UC is one of the largest and the most attractive campuses in Nepal with modern teaching/learning and research facilities, residence halls, faculty quarters, stadium, health Center, and the golden Jubilee garden. Recent developments include a girls’ hostel, a sport complex, a student club, and international student’s hostel, and an international guest house.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 students, 700 faculty members, and about 450 administrative and utility staff. More than half faculty members hold a Ph.D degree in their disciplines either from Nepal or abroad. The university has made efforts to transform this campus as Center of Excellence by strengthening physical infrastructure, revising and updating academic programmes and curriculum, attracting most talented faculty and students, allocating research grants and developing and extending networks coordination and collaboration with different international and national academic institutes/universities. However, the earthquake of April 25, 2015 and hundreds of aftershocks have largely damaged the physical infrastructure of University Campus, and it requires huge amount of money to maintain it.

Now, the UC has initiated semester system from the academic year (2012/13) in order to make its programmes compatible with other universities and to facilitate credit transfers. The UC has introduced the entrance examination to enroll the best and most talented students in an academic programme. The UC has also adopted the equity principle where the best students from the marginalized groups/regions have  opportunity  to  compete  to  get  enrolment

in an academic programme. It has allocated 15% seats for the enrolment of students in an academic programme as reservation category which are recognized by the Government of Nepal. There is also provision of scholarships for two top students (one male and one female) in each academic programme. The scholarship amount will be of Rs. 9000 per student/semester.

The UC has adopted participatory teaching method in which students have opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with the tutors and their fellows in the class rooms. This process has made pedagogical justice in the class room teaching where both tutors and students are expected to be satisfied from the class room teaching. The evaluation system involves the continuous process where students are evaluated on the basis of term papers students write, the class attendance, presentations, and their ability to raise the questions in the class and oral interviews. The University has decided to evaluate students by allocating 40% marks in the internal evaluation and rest 60% marks in the final semester exam. The University has allocated quota in each central Department for the enrolment of students. In General Academic programmes (Humanities and Social Sciences, Management and Education), there are  100  to  300  students in an academic program through the entrance examination. The examination is conducted by the concerned Dean’s Offices and it is expected that the results would be published within one-month of the exam. The Semester System has also provided opportunities to the Central Departments to revise/ improve and/or introduce new curriculum giving emphasis in the innovative research, in the changing context of higher education, market demands, national needs and national and international competition .

About Us

Tribhuvan University (TU), which was established in 1959, is the first national institution of higher education in Nepal. The Central Administrative Office and the  Central  Campus of the university are located on the north eastern facade of Kirtipur, an ancient and small town located five kilometers away from Kathmandu city centre. There are 39 central  departments and 4 research centres in TU, and out of them 31 departments and 3 research centres are located at Kirtipur. The university at Kirtipur is spread over an area of 154.77 hectares (3042-5-2 ropanis).

After the second democratic movement of 2006, the Prime Minister of Nepal is the ceremonial chief, the Chancellor of the University, whereas

the Minister of Education is the Pro-Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive of the university. He is assisted by the Rector in academic programmes and the Registrar in financial management and general administration.

Tribhuvan University is a non-profit making autonomous institution funded by the Government of Nepal. On January 8, 2013, the government of Nepal has principally agreed to declare Tribhuvan University as the Central University.

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